
Davison classroom:  1086 N. Irish Rd. Ste 5,
north of Court St. in the Stone House Farm Plaza
Fenton office and classroom: 14160 N. Fenton Rd., 
at the corner of Fenton Rd and Garnet Rd.

Fenton office 810.354.8386

Being a driver's ed instructor is a rewarding and challenging occupation.  The flexible schedule makes this the perfect position for those who are looking to supplement their income,

To become a driver's education instructor, you have to be certified by the State of Michigan. 

Requirements are:

  • Be at least 21 years old
  • Have a valid driver’s license for at least five years
  • Have a high school diploma or GED equivalent
  • Complete 120+ hours of training over a minimum of three months
  • Pass an FBI background check
  • Submit a $45 application fee
  • Submit a certified medical examination from the past 90 days
  • and have a clean driving record

The 120+ hours of training are done with approved state programs.  To find a program, click here:  

If you would like information, please email us at allsafedriversed@yahoo.com.  We offer a competitive rate and a great environment for instructors with a compassionate attitude.

Interested in becoming a Driver's Ed Instructor?